Habitat Stepping Stones - Council Subscription OpenMQ

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Habitat Stepping Stones - Council Subscription

Australian local governments are invited to join this award winning program!

Habitat Stepping Stones is a unique environmental educational program which won the 2015 National Trust Heritage Award for Conservation of Natural Landscape.


  • For the first year, including a new section of the website specific to your LGA: $3,820 + GST.
  • For following years: $2,200 + GST p.a.


The Habitat Stepping Stones website provides an engaging online tool that encourages residents in specific local government areas (LGAs) to create effective habitat stepping stones for local wildlife.

It includes comprehensive details of dozens of attractive habitat elements that are individually selected as suitable for each LGA.

Residents who pledge to add three or more elements to their backyard or balcony receive online recognition, a plaque for their front fence, discounts from local suppliers, and the opportunity to join the program’s supportive online community where they can share their pics and stories, get local wildlife news and tips, and learn about other council environmental activities.


  • The use of this award-winning tool to inspire residents in your LGA to create habitat stepping stones
  • A new section added to the program’s website, specific to your particular LGA, including:
    • a thoroughly researched selection of the most suitable flora species for your local area to maximise biodiversity potential, approved by your biodiversity staff
    • appealing images and detailed descriptions for each chosen plant, including its benefits to your own local wildlife
  • The design of a Council-specific promotional leaflet in PDF for your own use
  • Pledge packs including a thank-you letter, a Habitat Stepping Stone plaque and information from local suppliers mailed to all pledgers from your local government area
  • Continuation of the engagement and environmental education for your local residents through the program’s lively social media
  • Promotion of your Council and its environmental activities through the program’s Facebook & Twitter pages
  • The contact details of consenting pledgers from your LGA so you can invite them to some of your other environmental activities
  • Assistance with media releases and other promotional material about your Council joining the program
  • Management of all enquiries through the program’s phone, email and website.


  • Over 3,000 habitat elements have already been pledged for participating LGAs in Sydney.
  • Half of our surveyed participants said it inspired them to take part in other local wildlife projects.
  • 98% said they were likely to continue adding habitat elements to their gardens in future.

How the plants are selected

The Habitat Stepping Stones team carefully analyses plant species suited to each LGA to discover about 40 that are:

  • Characteristic of the local vegetation communities
  • Easy to grow
  • Easy to find
  • Sufficiently attractive
  • Beneficial to wildlife by providing nectar, seeds, shelter or nesting materials.

The team then assesses the resulting selection to ensure it contains:

  • Enough plants of varying heights, to ensure habitat diversity
  • A sufficient range of flowering/fruiting/seeding times, to maximise biodiversity outcomes.

Click here to pay your Initial Annual Subscription by credit card

Click here to pay your Ongoing Annual Subscription by credit card

If you require an invoice, Click on Contact Us and send us the following details:

Which subscription you are paying for (Initial or Ongoing):
Company/Council Name:
Contact Person:
Mobile# contact:
Email address:
Email address to send the invoice to:

For further information contact:
Jessica North
Director, The Australian Research Institute for Environment & Sustainability
Department of Environmental Sciences, Macquarie University
T: 9850 8597 E: jessica.north@mq.edu.au

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