Privacy Policy
Access Macquarie Limited (AMQ) is a controlled entity of Macquarie University and a company incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). It must comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) and the Health Records Information Protection Act 2002 (NSW).
AMQ’s principal activity is to provide project management services to assist academics of the University bid for and manage applied research, consulting and training projects for industry, government and the private sector. AMQ also operates for the University the English Language Centre (ELC), the IELTS Test Centre, the MindSpot Clinic and the Australian Proteome Analysis Facility as well as training programs such as IELTS Online. You can find out more about these businesses at our website. Some of those businesses have their own privacy policies that apply to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information.
AMQ complies with the University’s Privacy Management Plan, and the University’s Privacy Policy and Privacy Procedure in so far as they relate to AMQ.
AMQ is also required to have its own privacy policy pursuant to amendments to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) which come into effect from 12 March 2014. This policy explains the kinds of personal and/or health information that AMQ collects and holds, how it does so and the purposes for that collection, how you can access your information, how you can make a privacy complaint and how that will be actioned, whether your information is likely to be sent overseas and to which countries if practicable. This policy can be accessed here. To the extent that there are any inconsistencies between the University privacy policy and the AMQ privacy policy, for AMQ privacy matters, the AMQ privacy policy prevails.
For more information about privacy, please refer to the University’s Privacy Framework.
If you have any concerns about the privacy of your information or wish to modify or request the deletion of your details, please direct your query to:
Access Macquarie Limited
Re: Privacy Policy
Level 1, 3 Innovation Road,
Macquarie University NSW 2109
Fax: +61 2 9805 3101