River Styles Terms OpenMQ

River Styles Terms

Macquarie University

River Styles Short Course

Terms & Conditions

  1. Agreement

These terms and conditions (Terms) are a binding legal agreement between you and Macquarie University (ABN 90 952 801 237, CRICOS Provider No: 00002J), of Balaclava Rd, North Ryde, NSW Australia 2109 (University, us or we) (together, the parties or a party) and apply to the provision of the River Styles Short Course (the Short Course) provided to you by the University.

  1. Defined terms

The following definitions apply in these Terms:

  • (a) Award Course means a program of learning that leads to the award of a qualification, such as diplomas, degrees and doctorates, approved by the Macquarie University Academic Senate.
  • (b) Fees means any fees and charges the University advises are to be paid by you to enrol, and participate in, a Short Course.
  • (c) Key Requirements means the essential activities, capacities and academic requirements associated with the Short Course.
  1. Not a Macquarie University student
  • 3.1  You will not be a student of the University as a result of enrolling, participating in, or completing a Short Course. Among other things, this means you will not be supplied with a University email address, and you will not be entitled to access any benefits provided to students of the University (such as library access or personal accident insurance). You will, however, be required to comply with all applicable laws and applicable University policies.
  1. Enrolment and Payment
  • 4.1  The Fees are as listed on the web page for the Short Course. Your enrolment is not complete and your position in the Short Course is not secure until you have paid the Fees in full.
  • 4.2  Payment for a Short Course is due at the time of registration for the Short Course.
  1. Your obligations
  • 5.1  You acknowledge and agree that:
  • (a) you fulfil all prerequisites (if any) for entry into, and participation in, the Short Course, as advised by the University through the web page and/or learning management system for the Short Course;
  • (b) you have read and understood the information pertaining to the Short Course you have chosen, available on the web page for the Short Course;
  • (c) you will be able to undertake the Key Requirements (if any) of the Short Course, as advised by the University through the web page for the Short Course;
  • (d) the Fees do not include equipment or materials required (for example, a computer, software or internet access), or any travel or other personal expenses incurred, through participation in the Short Course; you are required to complete the Short Course (and any assessments) in the timeframe advised by the University; and
  • (e) you will provide a valid email address to the University (and will notify us of any change to your email address); and the University will communicate with you by way of e-mail.
  • 5.2  You also agree:
  • (a) to provide accurate and complete information to the University at all times;
  • (b) to abide by the University’s lawful and reasonable directions, in particular those directions relating to work health and safety; and
  • (c) to behave with honesty, integrity, and respect while participating in the Short Course, and in all dealings with the University and its staff, students, other participants in the Short Course and the general University community.
  • 5.3  If:
  • (a) you breach any of these Terms: or
  • (b) in the University’s reasonable opinion, you engage in any conduct that is disruptive, harmful, brings the University into disrepute, or is otherwise unacceptable to the University,
  • then:
  • (c) we may suspend or cancel your enrolment in a Short Course;
  • (d) we may suspend you from the University permanently or for a period of time which, if you are enrolled in an Award Course, may impact on that enrolment. This includes suspension both from the University campus and remotely;
  • (e) you may not be permitted to enrol in any future Short Course(s) or Award Course(s);
  • (f) you may be subject to other reasonable disciplinary action determined by the University pursuant to applicable University policies and procedures; and/or
  • (g) if a certificate of completion has been awarded to you for the Short Course to which the breach relates, we may revoke the certificate.
  • In all cases above, you acknowledge that you will not receive a refund (whether in full or in part) of any Fees paid by you.
  1. Insurance disclaimer
  • 6.1  All activities, and in particular fieldwork, pose a risk. The University accepts no responsibility for personal injury incurred during the Short Course, or travel/accommodation losses in the event of the Short Course being cancelled, or you make a booking for travel or accommodation before we notify you the Short Course will run.
  • 6.2  Participants are advised to ensure that personal insurance and WH&S requirements are met by the individual and/or their employer.
  1. Completion of a Short Course
  • 7.1  On successful completion of the Short Course, and provided you are not in breach of these Terms, you will receive a certificate of completion.
  1. Recognition of prior learning
  • 8.1  Unless otherwise agreed by the University, completion of a Short Course will not be recognised as credit towards an Award Course, or for facilitating entry to an Award Course. The University has sole discretion to decide whether completion of a Short Course will be recognised for credit towards an Award Course, or for facilitating entry to an Award Course.
  • 8.2  In exercising its discretion, the University will refer to the University’s Recognition of Prior Learning Policy (available here, as amended or replaced from time to time), the requirements of the Award Course, and other relevant matters, such as when the Short Course was completed.
  1. Quota and Refunds
  • 9.1  Do not make travel arrangements until you are notified that the Short Course is confirmed and will go ahead.
  • 9.2  You will be notified about whether the Short Course will run after the closing date for applications, or at the time that the course is full.
  • 9.3  The University may cancel a Short Course if a minimum number of participants is not reached. In this event the University will fully refund the Fee. No additional losses will be covered.
  • 9.4  Where entry to a Short Course is by quota, and withdrawal from the course occurs before the Short Course commences, consideration of a refund will only be made when it is possible to re-allocate the vacancy to another applicant.
  1. Refunds
  • 10.1  If you wish to withdraw or cancel your participation in a Short Course offering, you must e-mail riverstyles@mq.edu.au (Notice).
  • 10.2  If the Notice is received by the University:
  • (a) more than 10 business days prior to the Short Course commencement date, we will refund you 80% of the Fees already paid by you; an administration charge equal to 20% of the course fee will be retained by Macquarie University; or
  • (b) less than 10 business days prior to the Short Course commencement date, no refund of the Fees will be given.
  1. Reschedule or Transfer
  • 11.1  The University may re-schedule a Short Course offering at its discretion if unexpected circumstances arise (for example, due to Covid-19 or a natural disaster). In these circumstances, if you are unable to participate in the re-scheduled date(s), the University will refund you any Fees already paid.
  1. Cancellations
  • 12.1  The University may cancel a Short Course offering at any time. The University will provide you with as much notice as possible of the cancellation. In the event of a cancellation, you may transfer into the next scheduled Short Course of the same description, provided there are places available or you may receive a full refund of the Fees already paid. To the extent permitted by law, the University will not be liable for any costs, expenses or losses incurred by you arising out of, or related to, the cancellation of a Short Course offering.
  1. Reschedule
  • 13.1  The University may re-schedule a Short Course at its discretion if unexpected circumstances arise (for example, due to Covid-19 or a natural disaster). In these circumstances, if you are unable to participate in the re-scheduled date(s), the University will refund you any Fees already paid.
  1. Warranties
  • 14.1  You agree that you:
  1. Privacy
  • 15.1  You agree that:
  • (a) we will collect, store, and use your personal information:
  • i. in accordance with the University’s privacy policy and privacy management plan, as amended or replaced from time to time);
  • ii. in accordance with the privacy statement provided to you with these Terms; and
  • iii. as specified in these Terms;
  • (b) we may disclose your personal information to third parties who assist in the delivery of the Short Course.
  1. Complaints
  1. Intellectual Property
  • 17.1  Course materials may be provided to you as part of undertaking a Short Course at the University (Course Materials).
  • 17.2  You acknowledge and agree that all right, title and interest (including intellectual property rights) in the Course Materials vest in and remain the property of the University, its licensors and any nominated third party (as noted on the Course Materials) at all times.
  • 17.3  You must not reproduce or communicate any part of the Course Materials or assessments (where applicable) in any manner without our prior written consent.
  • 17.4  Access to any online Course Materials, will terminate at the end of the Short Course.
  1. General
  • 18.1  To the extent of any inconsistency between these Terms and the terms and conditions which specifically relate to a particular Short Course, as communicated to you by the University (Specific Terms) at the time of your enrolment, the Specific Terms will prevail.
  • 18.2  To the extent permitted by law, the University will not be liable for any costs, expenses or losses incurred by you arising out of, or related to, your enrolment or participation in a Short Course.
  • 18.3  These Terms may be altered, varied, or replaced by the University from time to time, in its sole discretion. We will give you 7 days' notice of any such alteration, variation, or replacement, at which time you will have 14 days to notify us of your intention to terminate this agreement and, if you have not yet attended your Short Course you will receive a full refund of the Fees paid.
  • 18.4  These Terms are governed by the laws of New South Wales and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of New South Wales, Australia.

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