Dr David Hawes is an Associate Professor in the School of Psychology, University of Sydney, and co-Director of the Child Behaviour Research Clinic. He has published extensively on the role of family processes in the development and treatment of childhood externalising problems. He maintains a program of ARC/NHMRC research into developmental (including neurobiological) aspects of antisocial behaviour, and the translation of this evidence into family-based interventions. Dr Hawes is a consulting editor of the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, and co-author of Integrated Family Intervention for Child Conduct Problems (Dadds & Hawes, 2006) – an evidence-based program that emphasises the role of family structural and attachment processes in the delivery of social learning-based interventions. In recent years he has contributed to a range of major international handbooks on clinical psychology, including the Oxford Handbook of Research Strategies for Clinical Psychology, the Handbook of Child and Adolescent Diagnostic and Behavioural Assessment, and the Oxford Handbook of Externalizing Spectrum Disorders.